"The Hardwork Display"
I asked each student to pick something that we do or use in the classroom and write about it. They each chose something on their own and wrote by themselves or helping eachother. No help was given from me other than the directions. This was to be theirs. I took their picture with the subject they chose and added it to thier writing. Then asked the students to think if titles to name their display. After we made our list they voted on which one they would use. Each student was given an index card and allowed to make a letter to create the title. This became "The Hardwork Display" for our Spring Concert, but I thought I would share it here as well for those that couldn't make it
The Magic Tree House Book. Author by Mary Pope. Jack and Annie go in a magic tree house and go in different places. - JoAnna
The white boards you just write words but at centers we just write stuff like people and snakes and friends but that's it at the math center at do math stuff. -Troy
January. July. February. August. I like calendar. -Mack
We did the 100. - Imani
The journal was about the insects like a praying mantis. - Michael
I picked a plant. It needs soil and it needs seeds and it needs sun and it needs water. - Carlo
Job chart. Line leader Ashia. Teacher helper. Calendar. Bathroom monitor girls. - Lamoris
We talked about different clouds and thunder clouds. -Niyah
I love Hop on Pop and Sleep Book and all the books. - Steven
The How Do You Feel hopeful it lets the teachers know how you feel. - Arianna
We were learning about flowers the petals, the roots, and the stem. - Aaron
The playdough is neat and special to me because you can play with me. I like to play with play dough you and me. - Ashia
We can read the site words it helps with our learning. - Gabrielle
The mouse found a motorcycle and the boy. -David
- Destiny
The counting to two-hundred is well you start at one-hundred and one then you go all the way to two-hundred and your done. -Jeremiah
The number chart is when you count by 2s and 10s and by 5s and by 1s. - Yonniece
The word wall. I love the word wall and I know some. I love this word wall and I love to help with my friends and this. - Amya
The last couple of weeks, we have been studying insects. We learned that insects have 3 body parts: head, thorax, and abdomin; six legs; and 2 antennae. Spiders are not insects because they have 8 legs and 2 body parts. We learned that insects are very helpful to us. Bees bring us honey as well as help pollinate flowers which help bring us air to breath. We learned about the butterfly life cycle and that it's very similar to the ant life cycle. Ants, we discovered, are very strong and live in colonies. Only the males and queens have wings.
Arianna reading a book about bees. This is where we learned that bees dance to tell eachother where flowers are. We also learned that only females have stingers.
Aaron is graphing insects. First, he counted how many of each insect by counting tally marks by fives. Then, he filled in the graph.
JoAnna is writing in her insect journal. We wrote things that we learned about different insects and drew a picture of the insect.
Michael and Jeremiah making there Beautiful Butterfly book in the writing center. This book demonstrated the butterfly life cycle.
Yonniece and Ashia reading about insects in the reading center. There were several books about butterflies, bees, beetles, spiders, and various insects. ZooBooks magazine was a popular one. In the listening center we had The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Itsy Bitsy Spider.
The kids had a great time observing LIVE crickets!! They learned that only the males make noise. Of course the poop was a common discussion and we learned that crickets smell! They enjoyed watched them eat brocolli and crawl around on the egg carton piece.